Thursday, June 7, 2007

Epilepsy Treatments

An epileptic has the tendency to suffer from recurring seizures. Treatment methods for the disorder have improved over the years thanks to research. Essentially, anti-epileptic medication and surgery are the most viable and widely deployed treatment methods. However, neither of these methods is curative. Medication if taken at prescribed doses will help control the occurrence of seizures.

Treatment for epilepsy seeks to make the patient’s life free of disablement and improve lifespan rather than provide temporary relief from pain.

As always, effective treatment requires proper diagnosis of the problem. For epilepsy, physicians order tests that identify the type based on symptoms and first-hand information given by the patient or observers.

The most common diagnostic procedure is a blood test that gives a clear picture of the patient’s health condition and possible triggers for the seizures.

Brain scans are an effective tool in getting pictures of the brain using X-rays that help locate damaged areas. A widely known scan type is Computed Tomography. Another expensive but sophisticated technique is magnetic resource imaging (MRI) that is useful in detecting lesions in the temporal lobe.

After proper diagnosis, the patient and physician decide on the best course of treatment. This involves taking into account several factors such as age, gender, family history, allergies, and patient’s opinion.

Usually, the patient is given a dosage of medicines and asked to consume the same regularly. The results may not be as expected and would require regular checkups and increased dosage levels. When it is identified that medication has little impact on patient’s improvement, surgery comes forth as an option.

Surgery gives better results for epileptics prone to strokes, blood vessel defects, and brain tumors. Usage of minimally invasive devises aid in the patient enjoying better quality of life.

Usage of a Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) device is another treatment option. This involves transmitting electrical energy in mild amounts to the brain through the nerve.

Apart from these physician-recommended treatment methods, an epileptic can also adopt natural and alternative therapies that will improve overall well being. Examples include meditation, yoga exercises, massages, Reiki, and aromatherapy.

It is likely that some patients will have side effects from taking treatment. These could include rashes, weight gain or loss, and so on. These can be avoided if the physician is made aware of existing allergies or family history of obesity.

On the patient’s part, avoiding possible seizure causers and paying more attention to lifestyle improve seizure management.

By: Richard Romando

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