Friday, May 4, 2007

The Nutrional health Benefits of B6

Vitamin B6 is also known as Pyridoxine and is an amino acid. Vitamin B6 is more involved with bodily functions than other nutrients are. The benefits of vitamin B6 change fats, proteins, and carbohydrates into energy. The vitamin also helps to maintain the immune and nervous systems. It helps to fight heart disease. The vitamin also prevents the formation of homocysteine - (lets cholesterol be deposited around the heart).

B6 can be found in meats, high protein foods, poultry eggs, nuts and dairy products. It is also found in whole grains, especially oatmeal and cereals. Rice, bread, and baked goods are all fortified with B6. Some fruit and vegetables such as avocados, bananas, mangos, and potatoes all have B6. The herbs alfalfa, catnip, and oat straw also have been found to have B6.

Deficiencies of vitamin B6 can occur in some individuals. Signs of B6 deficiency include dermatitis, glossitis-sore tongue, depression, confusion, and convulsions. Those with a poor diet or low B6 intake for a long, time will want to consider supplementation. Alcoholics and older adults are more likely to be deficient. Alcohol promotes the loss of B6 from the body. These symptoms could indicate other possibly more serious conditions, so it always best to be checked out by a physician.

Some of the benefits of vitamin B6 include that it may in fact, treat seizures resulting from B6 deficiency, diabetes, heart disease, varicose veins, and premenstrual syndrome. The vitamin may also relieve symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, and it promotes healthy cardiovascular, and circulatory health.

There are precautions that should be observed. Those with epilepsy should not use B6, as it could interfere with anti-seizure medications. An overdose could be indicated by nerve damage to the arms and legs. Suspending taking B6 will reverse these symptoms.

For those of you who are interested in taking vitamin B6 in supplement form, then you may wish to consider the supplement of choice over here at nutritional-supplement-guides. The alternative health supplement we personally use contains vitamin B6, as well as many other vitamins, minerals, amino acids, potent herbs, enzymes, and specialty nutrients that all work together giving you the best possible health benefits.

Author: John Gibb

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